
演奏級鋼琴老師教你自學 1-5級樂理 教程一本通 Grade 1-5 Music Theory



由音樂系導師親自編寫教材,內含700條題目。題目根據網上樂理考試而設,由淺入深,只要做過書上的題目,便能熟習考試題型,輕鬆應付考試 坊間的樂理教材內容散亂,缺乏統一的學習教材,以致學習成效低。《演奏級鋼琴老師教你自學5級學理:1-5級教程一本通》將第1至5級的樂理內容簡化為一本書,每頁都是精華內容,一書走天涯,方便學生理解和溫習 每一頁教材內容經精心設計,簡潔美觀而易懂,提昇學習體驗
The teaching materials are personally written by the music department instructors and contain 700 questions. The questions are based on the online music theory exam, from easy to difficult. As long as you have done the questions in the book, you will be familiar with the test questions and easily cope with the exam. The content of music theory textbooks in the market is scattered and lacks unified learning materials, resulting in low learning effectiveness. "Performance Level Piano Teacher Teaches You to Self-study Level 5 Theory: A Comprehensive Tutorial for Levels 1-5" simplifies the music theory content from Levels 1 to 5 into one book. Each page is the essence of the content. One book can cover the world, making it easier for students to understand. and review The content of each page of teaching materials is carefully designed to be concise, beautiful and easy to understand, enhancing the learning experience
由音乐系导师亲自编写教材,内含700条题目。题目根据网上乐理考试而设,由浅入深,只要做过书上的题目,便能熟习考试题型,轻松应付考试 坊间的乐理教材内容散乱,缺乏统一的学习教材,以致学习成效低。《演奏级钢琴老师教你自学5级学理:1-5级教程一本通》将第1至5级的乐理内容简化为一本书,每页都是精华内容,一书走天涯,方便学生理解和温习 每一页教材内容经精心设计,简洁美观而易懂,提升学习体验